Nashua Women of Today is a group working to make our community a brighter place through community service projects and a focus on personal development, health, and wellness. The Nashua Women of Today participate in several community service projects throughout the year and are involved with many local events including the spring Easter Egg Hunt, the Halloween Trunk-or-Treat, and Bike Rodeo at the elementary school. If you strive to better yourself through friendship, education, volunteerism, and community service, the Nashua Women of Today encourage you to visit a meeting. Meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. To learn more about the Nashua Women of Today or to get involved, you may contact a current member, message the group on Facebook , or send mail to Women of Today, PO Box 184, Nashua, IA 50658.
The Nashua Women’s Club is a group focused on local philanthropy and providing a variety of programs for the education of club members. The Women’s Club provides an annual scholarship to an N-P Senior and supports other local organizations including the Nashua Fire Department, Girl Scouts, N-P prom, and the Nashua Public Library. The Nashua Women’s Club also provides Christmas gifts for elementary age children and is the caretaker of a flower garden at Cedar View Park. The Women’s Club meets monthly, April through December, on the second Thursday of each month. To learn more about the Nashua Women’s Club or to get involved, contact Kay Brunner at 641-435-4364 or Marjorie Bullen at 641-435-2452.
The Lions Club is a group of civic-minded men and women who have banded together to give their time, energy and resources in service to others. The Lions Club members are dedicated to bettering the quality of life for the handicapped, the poor, the sick and the aged. Our local Lions Club is one of 44,700 Lions Clubs from around the world. The N-P Lions Club hosts 2 annual fish fry fundraiser meals, used to support local programs such as Water Over the Dam Days, Plainfield Days, and various additional initiatives with the school district and community at-large. To learn more about getting involved with the Lions Club, contact a current member or message the group on Facebook.
Nashua Matters originated in 1973 as the Nashua Civic League. While the group name has evolved, the mission of improving Main Street, the greater Nashua community, and hosting events of interest to the community remains the same. Notable projects from Nashua Matters include Main Street flower planters, roadway Christmas decorations, the berth of Water Over the Dam Days, and a digital message board yet to be installed. Nashua Matters hosts a few fundraisers throughout the year to support community projects including soup suppers in the spring and fall. To learn more about Nashua Matters or to get involved, contact Mary Jean Parks at 641-435-4161.
The Nashua Garden Club was started in 2000 by Sandra Cerwinske as part of her lessons in becoming a Master Gardener. The club meets monthly at a member’s home or at the boat garden at Lakeshore Park. The club will occasionally travel for garden tours to different towns or states. The club is a network of gardening enthusiasts available to help each other with garden problems and the meeting host often provides helpful tips or a program to share with the group. The Nashua Garden Club also occasionally host fundraisers. To learn more about getting involved with the Nashua Garden Club, follow the group on Facebook or you may contact Lisa Zwanziger at 641-435-4947.
The Lakeshore Boat Club is a fraternal organization established about 80 years ago to encourage better boating on the lake, promote courtesy and safety in the boating areas and to provide a picnic, recreational area and meeting place for its members along Cedar Lake. Boat Club members meet once each month during the summer & fall (April-November) for a meal and fellowship. The Boat Club is proud to sponsor a youth fishing derby each spring. To learn more about getting involved with the Lakeshore Boat Club, contact Nate Sinnwell at (641) 257-7044.
The Chamber is comprised of two organizations, the Nashua Area Chamber of Commerce and the Nashua Area Community Foundation. The mission of The Chamber is to unlock the Nashua area potential and make our region a very special place in which to live, work, and play. The Chamber serves the Nashua and Plainfield region and has twelve (12) elected Board of Directors who serve one (1) year terms and represent nine (9) different sectors of the community. Memberships to The Chamber are available to businesses, non-profit, civic and religious groups, and individuals. To learn more about The Chamber and how to get involved, view their Facebook page.
Chapter EN of the P.E.O Sisterhood is a Philanthropic Educational Organization started in Nashua in 1914. It promotes education on a local and global level. Locally, a scholarship has been given annually to a Nashua-Plainfield Senior since 1981. Several other worthy projects have also been supported. The group meets monthly and enjoys various programs. To learn more about Chapter EN or get involved with local membership, view or or contact Christine Skilton at 641-435-2462.
The Nashua Area Food Pantry provides meal supplies and household goods for low income individuals and families in need within the N-P school district area. The Nashua Area Food Pantry operates entirely through donations of goods, monetary contributions, and volunteerism. The food pantry is always seeking donations of goods, food items, financial contributions, and volunteer assistance. To learn more about getting involved with the Nashua Area Food Pantry, contact Pat Kilby at 641-435-4595. The food pantry is open Fridays 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at 115 Woodbridge Street. For emergency assistance after hours, contact 641-435-4595 or 641-435-4804.
The objectives of the Toys for Tots program are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future. The local N-P Toys for Tots chapter is always accepting new unwrapped toys and financial contributions. To learn more about getting involved with Toys for Tots in the Nashua community, contact Shayla Merfeld at 716-307-5003. Applications to receive gifts for your family may be obtained at The Townhouse, 316 Main Street, and may be returned in confidence to Shayla or Todd Merfeld at The Townhouse.